
<== Site of the Week for 2016-01-14 ==>

CSG International

CSG International provides business support and revenue management services.

The company was founded in 1982 as a division of First Data to provide billing and payment processing in the cable TV sector. The company's primary business has consisted of large contracts with firms such as TCI, Comcast and AT&T. I imagine that such a rapidly changing market has been turbulent for contractors. (See Wikipedia (drawn 11/15) for details.

The company's offers have expanded to full business support systems. The company went public in 1996 and trades on NASDAQ with the symbol CSGS.

The company's web site includes a publication called Spectrum Magazine. They have an active YouTube channel about business management. The video talks about the challenges and opportunities business face in a rapidly changing market.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameCSG International
Review History2016-01-14
Category Denver Color: Finance
Page Views3867

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