
<== Site Review (2017-07-22) ==>

Canine Ice Vest

Let's face it. Dogs are smarter than humans. Humans like to do strange things like run in the heat of the day. Dogs know it is best to curl up in the shade when its hot.

That said, humans tend to think that they are the boss of the dogs and force dogs to run to do unnatural things like run along a mountain trail when the hot sun is at its peak.

David Hill is an outdoor who loved to take runs with his canine friends. The dogs would get overheated and run to shady spots; So, he developed the Canine Ice Vest which holds ice in a mesh pocket to help his dogs stay cool. He claims the ice vest increases a dog's stamina.

Mr Hill is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign that for the product. The campaign ends on 2017-08-22. The widget below has the details:

Discover more Kickstarter Campaigns from Colorado.

Conclusion: while it is unlikely that humans will ever develop the sensibilities of dogs, at least there are a few inventions to make a dog's life more pleasant on this human centric planet.

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Site NameCanine Ice Vest
Review History2017-07-22
Category Denver Color: Dogs
Page Views3333
PreviousUltimate Serial Port

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