
<== Site Review (2004-11-20) ==>

Toeroek Associates provide automated litigation support.

hmmmm, what is automated litigation?

...just what I be sued by my computer.

Yeah, my computer is always crashing...telling me that I performed an illegal operation. Sometimes it will blue screen giving me no option but to reboot...

...and when I reboot, the foolish beast gives me a stern lecture about how I am supposed to use the shutdown features. Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

No doubt, my computer has been recording every transgression...and as soon as there is automated litigation, I will undoubtedly start getting thousands of spams from lawyers wanting to represent my computer in its claim against me.

Hoping to appease my mechanized friend, I give Toeroek Associates the site of the day mention.

With my rant over, I will read the second page of the site. Oh, automated litigation isn't about computers suing people (at least not yet). They provide automated documentation programs for use in environmental law. Many of the program are used for monitoring and tracking environmental cleanup efforts.

They fit in that scary area where science and law collide. Since computer design generally involves detailing business rules and procedures, I had been anticipating that the law community would start paying greater and greater attention to computer science and eventually take over the process of computer system design.

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Site NameToeroek Associates
Review History2004-11-20
Category Denver Color: Lawyers
Page Views10137
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