
<== Site Review (2004-11-13) ==>

Caldonia's is a BBQ Smoke House set up by a couple of "Okies" who moved into these parts round about 1978.

Of course, the Site of the Day program isn't about the food, it is about the site. Caldonia's web site has an interesting downhome look and feel. They acheived this fell because each page on the web site is simply a gif. The designer uses a map statement to make areas of the gif image hot.

Using gifs allows the programmer to create a photo board with overlapping images, and gives the designer complete control over fonts and other elements in the design.

This design methodology works well for photo boards. It is generally better to save such photoboards in JPEG format than GIF. GIF is a raster graphics format. Photos saved in GIF format take on a choppy, amateurish feel.

GIFs work well with different fonts. Of course, the big downside of displaying your text in gif format is that the search engines will not find any text on your web page and you will not get in their listing.

I like the overall texture and feel of the site. This is a methodology used in the early days of web programming. I admit that it would be challenging to upgrade the site to either flash or CSS.

Being a former "Okie" myself (I served 4th and 5th grades in Pryor Creek Oklahoma), I admit I have a hankering now to join Caldonia's in their Wednesday Night Remote Control Jeep Races..

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Site NameChopper's Sports Grill
Review History2004-11-13
Category Denver Color: Dining
Page Views11359
NextBuckhorn Exchange

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.