
<== Site Review (2008-07-21) ==>

Walk In Auction

Selling on eBay is fun. Packaging, shipping and handling payments is a pain. Wouldn't it be great if someone set up a business that handled the hassles of eBay auctions while letting you concentrate on the buying and selling?

The popularity of eBay has spawned a number of entrepreneurial firms like Walk In Auction, Inc that will run your eBay auctions for a cut of the sale. Here is Walk In Auctions Current Auctions.

The company will take photos of your items, and do the write up. The company is popular with businesses.

BTW, I happen to love online auctions. If you are from Denver and have an eBay store or other online auction store; Please, add your link to the Denver Color Auction Directory!

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Site NameWalk In Auction Inc
Review History2008-07-21
Category Denver Color: Auctions
Page Views4580
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