
<== Site Review (2005-06-06) ==>

Denver Master Gardener

So, you had landscaper install a fancy new xeriscaped landscape in your yard. For some odd reason it doesn't seem to be growing. You've watered it daily and have added a great deal of fertilizer, but the xeriscaped plants seem to be dying and you have a horrible weed problem.

Well, it just might be time to call in an expert. Enter Denver Master Gardener by the University of Colorado Denver Colorado Cooperative Extenstion.

The gardening and horticultural experts at the Denver Master Gardener have been studying the unique climate and horticulture of the Front Range and have a wealth of experience in creating beautiful healthy gardens in this high mountain area.

You will probably want to check the site multiple times during the year as the site has seasonal information that can give you information on what you want to be doing and when.

BTW, the word "xeriscape" means that you plant the things that people used to pull up as weeds. Yeah, in the state with a most fantastic collection of native plant species, people used to pull up the native plants to grow European plants. What a waste of water.

The term "xeriscape" really means low water gardening. The general idea is to garden with plants adapted to the climate rather than trying to adapt the environment to the plant. I like the idea. However, use the term to just importing invasive weeds. People use the same term to refer to gardening in Phoenix and Denver. Denver has its own unique climate and deserves its own gardening style.

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Site NameDenver Master Gardener
Review History2005-06-06
Category Denver Color: Garden
Page Views5562
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