
<== Site Review (2007-09-09) ==>

Howard Dental Center for HIV/AIDS Oral Health

Denver has a large number of organizations that help people in need. The Howard Dental Center deserves note. The Howard Dental Center for HIV /AIDS Oral Health provides dental care for people with HIV.

Dental care is often one of the first services that people sacrafice when they become ill. Unfortunately, when people have a suppressed imune system, oral health becomes much more critical. By providing low cost or free service, the Howard Dental Center not only provides comfort to people in need, but saves lives.

Conversely, medical care for people with HIV requires special training and care. Dentists without that special training are hesitant to provide services for HIV patients. By providing a dedicated HIV dental facility, Howard Dental reduces fears of exposure to HIV in dental offices.

Link Detailshelp
Site NameHoward Dental Center for HIV /AIDS Oral Health
Review History2007-09-09
Category Denver Color: Dentistry
Page Views5503
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