<== Site Review (2006-07-04) ==>
The Denver Municipal Band
Do you go for 60s music?
The Denver Municipal Band has been a fixture of the Denver music scene since the 1860s.
Oh, when I mentioned '60s music, were you thinking of a different '60s?
The band was founded by Alex Sutherland who was a buglar during the ill fated charge of the light brigade. The band changed its name to the Denver Municipal Band in 1891 and has been performing at important events ever since...such as the ever important Fourth of July Celebrations. You can find their schedule on the events page.
This site is interesting in that it provides a link to the long history of musical innovation that has taken place in Denver throughout the ages. Denver was a cultural hub from its inception. The Municipal would have been one of the first bands to perform "America the Beautiful". The band would have seen the rise and fall of the big band era.
Although the musicians must be getting a little bit old by now (145 years is a long time to be playing music...even for a trumpet playing band), they continue to belt out quality marching music in Denver area parks and cultural events.
As this band has a rich history, I hope that the web master continues to expand the history section on their web page.