<== Site Review (2006-05-02) ==>
Colorado Horse Property
Colorado Horse Property specializes in selling ranch and horse properties.
If you just happen to be a horse, this would be the real estate agency for you. This is the group that would know if a property has good running space and would know about the availability of hay, a barn to sleep in and all of the things that impact the quality of a horse's life.
Of course, from the horse's point of view, this whole thing about real estate agents dividing the world up into square lots and closing the lots off with fences is a bad idea. Again, from the horse's point of view, no single piece of property would compete with a free range Colorado.
On the plus side, Colorado ranks among the best places for being a horse. There's wide open prairie to the East of Denver and scenic mountain trails to the west. The biting cold winds of winter are a hassle. All in Colorado real estate is a great place to dig in the hoofs.