
<== Site Review (2006-02-05) ==>

American Animal Hospital Association

The American Animal Hospital Association is a veterinarian organization that was established 1933 to help care for companion animals.

Companion animals, as you may know, are animals put in service to help people in need.

The problem, of course, is that the people who are in need of companion animals often aren't in the best position to care for said animals.

A group of vets that helps companion animals sits high atop the super cool category.

The AAHA Net web site has information becoming a member of this worthy organization.

The organization has also created a public site called Healty Pet. Healthy pet has a big list of vets in the AAHA program along with good advice on keeping your pet healthy.

The AAHA is not only a good site. It is a tail-waggingly good site.

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Site NameAmerican Animal Hospital Association
Review History2006-02-05
Category Denver Color: Veterinary
Page Views4798
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